Once Again, “Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket”
These issues keep coming up again, and again. Are annuities safe? Should you lock up all your money in one single annuity? As Dennis Beaver, columnist for the Hanford Sentinel, and a Bakersfield, California attorney told his readers in a recent column “determining if an annuity is right for you requires a careful financial analysis conducted by a fee only financial planner who acts as your fiduciary….”. Edward Stone is quoted extensively in Beaver’s recent article, offering up the Executive Life Insurance Company of New York liquidation as an example of why you can’t count on guaranty associations to pick up the pieces if your insurance company fails. “While there are State Guarantee Associations which offer some protection. Coverage amounts vary from state to state and range from $100,000 to $500,000 per individual per lifetime. This means that if the doctor put his $800,000 IRA into an annuity, and that company bit the dust, he could face significant disruptions and reductions in his benefit payments.”
It just can’t hurt to say it again. No company is too big to fail, and contrary to the assertions of some sales people out there, nothing is risk free and annuities are no exception.